A Proven Process for Success
Our client journey enables flexibility and visibility while protecting your budget and timeline.
Expert-Led Discovery
A Senior Business Analyst and Senior Software Architect from Connamara will conduct a thorough review of the business case for your custom enterprise software. Discovery includes in-depth stakeholder interviews to get an understanding of the project scope.
Project Requirements
We draft the System Design and Architecture overview, which includes technical diagrams and recommendations, a list of non-functional requirements, User Stories describing desired functionality, a high-level delivery roadmap, any UI/UX wireframes, and a time and cost estimate.
Test-Driven Development
We develop a client-prioritized feature list, then deliver demonstrable value with each development iteration. Unit Tests and Acceptance Tests document how the application functions. As the system changes and defects are addressed, or new functionality is added, the Tests are altered to reflect those changes. This creates a suite of regression tests to minimize the chance of introducing unwanted system behaviors. This all allows maximum visibility into timelines or project scope changes during development.
Continuous Integration
Continuous integration ties together test-driven development and automated testing. Code is automatically rebuilt when either the tests or code changes. A build is considered successful if all the tests pass, thus avoiding features that are only partially complete. Continuous integration shortens the release cycle to get new functionality in front of the application’s end users.
Automated Builds & Testing
Automated builds and testing eliminate or reduce the need for manual testing, thereby reducing the number of QA personnel needed during implementation and post-implementation maintenance. Automation shortens the QA feedback loop to minutes from days.
Detailed Solution Training
Our team conducts extensive training of your staff in the operation and maintenance of the solution. Training also includes the delivery of detailed system documentation.
Project Delivery
After training, we hand off the application, including all the tests, and your team conducts acceptance testing. Should any issues arise from real-world use, Connamara’s software engineers fix bugs and work with your internal team to correct any process misalignments. Your organization accepts the custom enterprise application, and the project is officially delivered.